Celebrating Our Staff’s Work Anniversaries

Posted August 26, 2019

Development Guild is 40 years old! In celebration of our recent anniversary, we asked some of our colleagues celebrating their own work anniversaries how Development Guild has changed since they’ve joined. Below, we share their responses…

Kieran McTague, our Senior Vice President and Director, New York, celebrated his 5-year work anniversary last year.

“In 1996, I was introduced to Development Guild DDI when they recruited me to become the Vice President for Development at Emmanuel College in Boston. Little did I know then, that seventeen years later I would formally join the Development Guild team in the role of Senior Vice President. 

As I celebrate another work anniversary, it is amazing to think of the long-term sustainability and growth of the company. It is one thing to be a sustainable presence in the competitive consulting world of non-profit fundraising and executive search, but Development Guild DDI has strengthened its firm-wide leadership and staffing to support our core business areas. This has led to a more diversified and effective service model that supports a multitude of nonprofit organizations in the northeast corridor and across the country.”


Jackie with Kieran (R) and our Head of Information Systems and Operations Dan Coffin (L)

Jacqueline Ducharme, our Fundraising Consultant, also recently celebrated her 5-year work anniversary.

“I started at Development Guild in 2013 and when I look back a great deal has changed (We still printed everything on the old red and blue branding back then!) and yet the heart of DG still feels the same. It’s the people who make DG special. The team here cares so deeply for the missions of the nonprofits we are supporting, and you can feel that drive powering our work. We really do want to bring the very best to our clients, and we are always looking for the freshest way to design a project and share collective energy. I love to be tapped into the hub of the nonprofit world and getting to integrate into our client teams and feel every win and loss they feel makes work inspiring and rewarding. I am excited to see what the future holds for DG and am proud to be a part of this team.”


Katharine (L) enjoys a cooking class during a staff retreat with our Senior Consultant Lorraine Sahagian

Katharine Kaplan, Vice President and senior member of our executive search team, will be celebrating her 10-year work anniversary next spring.

“Since I joined Development Guild the major change has been enhancements and advancements in technology, which impact the way we communicate with prospective candidates and clients. We are nimbler with our access through LinkedIn and social media, and communication is multimodal. The puzzle is bigger and it’s exciting to piece it together with each new executive search. What has not changed for me is the quality of our staff both personally and professionally. My colleagues continue to amaze me with their dedication and commitment to our clients. As a long-timer, the relationships and friendships grown over the years and newly developed are gratifying and fulfilling. I feel very lucky to be a part of such a wonderful group of people.”


Rebecca (L) with our Senior Vice President, Principal Tracy Marshall

Rebecca Titlow is our Senior Director of Research; this fall marks her 15-year work anniversary.

“Development Guild DDI has seen many exciting changes since I started at the firm.  We opened our NY office, dramatically grew our search program, and continue to develop new and innovative approaches to help us move more quickly in our searches without sacrificing quality. I’m so glad to still be working in an environment that keeps me continuously challenged, and values hard work and professional growth. Moreover, I truly enjoy and respect all of my colleagues, and am grateful for our shared commitment to the nonprofit sector.”


Deb (center) enjoys volunteering with Jackie and Kate, our Director of Staff Development

Deb Brown, our Senior Vice President of Finance & Administration, Principal, joined Development Guild 20 years ago!

“Although Development Guild has certainly evolved over the past twenty years that I have been here, there have been some constants. It is these consistencies that make me love the organization and my job. Development Guild has always been comprised of the most talented, hardworking and committed group of individuals. Over the years, we have made great strides in our technology both internally (such as our search database and new accounting systems) and externally for our candidates and clients with a revamped website and social media presence. We also opened an office in New York back in 2012 to accommodate our growth in the region. Through the years I have been here, we have always striven to invest in our staff and their professional development and learning. And as always, we are deeply committed to our clients’ missions.”

Development Guild employees are committed to advancing important social, cultural, educational, and scientific causes as part of an inclusive and collaborative work environment. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our team, you can explore our current openings here: Join Us.