Every nonprofit has been deeply impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. We are committed to helping our clients navigate these unchartered waters and to supporting their most urgent needs. Keep reading to discover how we have adapted our services to ensure our nonprofit clients’ success in a virtual environment.

“When we began our search for a new Executive Director, we had never heard of COVID-19. By the final stages of the search, we were completely virtual. We are so glad we hired Development Guild. Their team was expert at helping us navigate the changing circumstances and complete the search while remote. Because of them, we didn’t lose any momentum.”

– David Foster, Board Chair at League School of Greater Boston

Executive Search

We understand that for many nonprofits, the hiring of staff while remote is not standard protocol. That’s why we’re prepared to partner with you every step of the way. Notably, our outreach teams have seen a sharp rise in candidate engagement and interest in recent months. We have the training and experience to guide your team through a virtual interview process (from 1-on-1 conversations to formal panel interviews) and facilitate debrief discussions that help your team reach consensus and confidently welcome a new hire onboard – all while remote.

Fundraising, Campaign, and Interim Management

We have seamlessly transitioned to providing our full range of fundraising, campaign, and interim management services virtually, and are successfully supporting our clients with a broad spectrum of cultivation and engagement, annual and major giving programs, special events, and ways to keep campaign momentum. They are growing programs and hitting important goals. Contact us to learn how you can, too.